About me
I’m a self taught DIY’er and Design lover. Most days, you can find me surrounded by messes of tools and paint. A true creative at heart, I love to make over my surroundings, be it furniture, walls, floors ~ whatever the challenge is, I’m usually up for it.
A small business venture I have is an antique booth in a local shop called, Wirewood Market. It’s a lovely place where I gather inspiration from other talented vendors, and share my love for solid wood constructed pieces and interesting finds.
My love for Jesus and my family comes first and I’m so thankful for the blessings in my life. This past year, I had a pretty big health scare which required a major surgery. I thank the Lord every time I get to pick up a tool now days. Thankful for healing and a new perspective.
One of my motto’s is, you’re never too old to learn something new. We can learn new skills everyday, we just need a teachable spirit.
Thank you for coming to this online space where you can see some of the highlights of my work.
You can also find me on Instagram & Facebook where I share weekly projects and day to day life.
Hope you’ll join me.

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